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Huckle family: Gone for a Soldier
My Mother's Father's Father's Mother's family
The narrative can be read in conjunction with the Cornwell family tree. You can see
places significant to the Huckle family on the site map of
Cambridge and district.
This family story includes material from, and links with,
the stories of the Cornwell, Mortlock and Mansfield families. My
direct ancestors are highlighted in bold
the first time they appear in the narrative.
great-great-great-grandfather William Huckell was born in Comberton to
the west of Cambridge in 1798, and baptised at Comberton
parish church on the 30th September of that year. As one
of his elder brothers was born in haddenham, it is
possible that the Huckles had moved to Comberton shortly
before WIlliam's birth. On 26th January 1818 he married Elizabeth Farrington at Bourn parish church, a
few miles to the west of Comberton. Elizabeth Farrington was the daughter of
Hannah Anderson, who had been born Hannah Bavey, but had
married John Anderson in Bourn, Cambridgeshire. John died
in 1796, and Hannah then embarked upon a relationship
with a local farmer, William Farrington, who was
estranged from his wife. They produced six illegitimate
children, one of whom was Elizabeth. Eventually,
William's first wife died in 1810, and within days
William and Hannah were married, making the children
legitimate and changing all their surnames to Farrington.
When William Huckell and Elizabeth
Farrington married, they were both nineteen years old.
Elizabeth may have been already pregnant, for on the 25th
November that year their daughter Sarah was baptised in
Bourn church. In later life Sarah would give her
birthplace as Chlderley, which is a village in the north
of Bourn parish. It is possible that Sarah was born
before William and Elizabeth married, in which case she
may not have been William's daughter but Elizabeth's from
an earlier relationship. William and Elizabeth would have
at least fivechildren, but there are others who may be
theirs. Also, there was a big gap of seven years in the
sequence of births beween 1824 and 1831. It may be that
there were unrecorded births during this time, but in
1842 William would give his occupation as a soldier. As
he was already 44 years old at that time it is likely he
was a soldier in earlier life, and may well have been
away from home for much of the 1824-31 period. At some
time during this period the family moved a few miles from
Bourn back to William's birth village Comberton. It is
possible that they had lived elsewhere in between. These
are the eight known children of William and Elizabeth
Born Childerley, 1818 and baptised in
Bourn parish church on 25th November 1818 when
her surname was spelt Huckle, as would be the
case for all subsequent children. She married
Robert Marshall in Comberton on 29th October 1835
- if Sarah was not born before her parents'
marriage then she was just 17 years old at the
time. At the 1841 census they were living in
Comberton with their daughter Sarah who was one
year old. They would remain in Comberton all
their lives. By 1851 they had three children,
Sarah, Robert and Susan, and Sarah's widowed
mother Elizabeth was living with them. Sarah's
husband Robert was an agricultural labourer, and
would be recorded as such on each census. Three
more children, Mary, James and Elizabeth, would
come along by 1861, when their address was given
as Swines Lane, Comberton. By 1881 they were
living in North Field, all their childrfen having
left home. Sarah died in Comberton in the 4th
quarter of 1888. She was 71 years old.Jane
Born Bourn, 1821 and baptised in Bourn
parish church on 25th March. She was living at
home in Comberton with her mother at the 1841
census, when she was 20 years old. She gave birth
to an illegitimate son, William, in 1839. She
married the 38 year old widow William Leet in
Histon on 25th July 1845, when the witnesses were
my great-great-grandparents William and Frances
Cornell, Frances being Jane's sister. Jane and
William's son Charles was baptised in Histon in
1847, and Alfred in 1849. Sadly, Alfred died at
the age of eleven weeks, and there was further
tragedy to come, because in February 1851 Jane
gave birth to a son, Stephen, who died after just
three days, and Jane herself was dead two weeks
later. They were all buried in Histon churchyard.
By the time of the 1851 census, Jane's husban
William was a widower again, and was living in
Histon with their son Charles, Jane's son William
and his own two sons from his previous marriage,
Newman and William. But Jane's husband William
joined Sarah in Histon churchyard just two years
later, leaving the six year old Charles an
Born Bourn, 1823 and baptised in Bourn
parish church on 22nd February 1824. My
great-great-grandmother - see below.
Born Comberton 1831 and baptised in
Comberton parish church on Christmas Day. He died
at the age of two and was buried in Comberton
Born Comberton 1834 and baptised in Comberton
parish church on 11th January 1835. In 1851 the
16 year old Emma was living as a servant in the
household of Thomas Baker, a farmer of 330 acres
at Barton, the next village to the east on the
outskirts of Cambridge. Emma married Frederick
Badcock at Caldecote near Comberton on 6th
November 1854. However, the couple do not appear
to be on subsequent censuses.
are five more children who may be William and
Elizabeths. However, there appears to have been
another William and ELizabeth Huckle in Comberton
in the 1840s, and the census data suggests that
these children belong to the other couple:
Born Comberton 1838 and baptised in
Comberton parish church on 20th January 1839.
Born Comberton 1841 and baptised in
Comberton parish church on 2nd May.
Born Comberton 1843 and baptised in Comberton
parish church on Christmas Eve.
Born Comberton 1845 and baptised in
Comberton parish church on 17th May 1846.
Born Comberton 1847 and baptised in
Comberton parish church on 23rd January 1848.
Histon today is a
sprawling northern suburb of the city of Cambridge, but
even in the 19th Century it was a large and busy village,
inextricably joined to the neighbouring village of
Impington. Traditionally a farming community, it was also
the home of Chivers, who built their first big factory in
Histon towards the end of the 19th Century.
great-great-grandmother Frances was at home with her
mother for the 1841 census when she was 18 years old. The
following year she married William Cornell in Histon parish church on
4th July 1842. The witnesses were William's brother James
and Ann Diver. Her father's occupation was given as
soldier, which might explain why he was not at home on
the night of the 1841 census.
William and Frances's first child, Susan, was not born
until 1845, almost three years after the marriage. She
lived just fourteen days, and was buried in Histon
churchyard on 19th October. But William and Frances would
have ten more children, the third youngest of whom would
be my great-grandfather William Huckle
Cornwell who was born in Histon on 24th January
1864. By then, his grandfather William Huckle was dead.
He died in September 1848, and was buried on the 21st of
the month. Oddly, it would take 16 years and two other
boys before Frances and William named a child after
Frances's father.
although William and Frances's marriage certificate gave
their surname as Cornell, my great-grandfather's
birth certificate recorded him as William Huckle
Cornwell. In the Histon parish registers, all except the
youngest of my great-grandfather's siblings were also
registered under the surname Cornell. His parents William
and Frances were both dead by the time of the first
self-reported census of 1911, and in any case both were
illiterate; but there is evidence that they continue to
use the Cornell form of spelling for themselves. When
Frances died in 1908, her death was registered under the
surname Frances Cornell. Several of my
great-grandfather's brothers and sisters also later used
the Cornwell variant of the surname from time to time,
and on the 1911 census form my great-grandfather gave his
own surname as Cornwell, in his own writing. But his
older brother Alfred used the spelling Cornell on the
same occasion, and so it looks as if my family's
continued use of the surname Cornwell through the 20th
and into the 21st century might be due to a slip of the
pen by the Histon parish registrar in 1864.
These are William
and Frances Cornell's children:
Elizabeth Cornell
Born Histon 1845. She was baptised on
October 9th, but lived for just 14 days, and was
buried in Histon churchyard on October 19th. It
appears that her birth was not officially
registered.Sarah Ann Cornell
Born Histon 1847. She was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 9th April. She was
living with her parents in 1851 and 1861. No
marriage is recorded for a person with this name
between 1861 and 1871, and yet she does not
appear to be on the 1871 census. On the 1881
census, she may well be the 37 year old
Cambridgeshire-born Sarah Cornell who is a nurse
living in the household of the sugar refiner John
Schwartz in Highbury, north London. After, this,
Sarah disappears from view, probably marrying but
possibly going abroad, and I have not yet found
out anything about her.
Born Histon 1850. He was baptised at St Andrew's
Church, Histon on the 10th March. He married
Elizabeth Willson at Girton in 1875, his surname
recorded as Cornwell. In 1881, James and
Elizabeth were living in the village of Girton,
about two miles from Histon, with their children
Arthur, Florence and Leonard. However, the family
do not appear on the 1891 census. A seven year
old Arthur James Cornwell died in the Chesterton
registration district, which includes both Girton
and Histon, in 1883. A James Cornwall, born in
Histon and of the right age, is living in 1891 in
a convalescent home in Westgate-on-Sea near
Margate in Kent. This is likely to be our James.
He gives his condition as Married rather
than Widower. I have found no further
trace of James or his wife. In 1901, their
daughter Florence was a servant
in a house in Benet Place in Cambridge.
Hannah Cornell
Born Histon 1852. She was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 29th August.
Charmingly, her name was recorded as Louisiana on
the 1861 census. Lucy married James Morgan, a
cook, at St Andrew's Church, Histon on the 19th
March 1876. He was 20 and she was 23. Although
her name was recorded in the Histon parish
registers as Cornwell, she signed her own name as
Cornell. The witnesses were her brother Alfred
and her sister Elizabeth, who were both able to
sign their names as Cornell. In 1881, James and
Lucy lived at 14 Orchard Street in Cambridge,
with their children George, Alfred, Frank and
Montague. Interestingly, living with them as a
servant was an eleven year old Elizabeth Cornell
of Cottenham, presumably a cousin or niece of
Lucy's. By 1884 there were two more children,
Olive and Frederick, but after this Lucy's
husband James died. Shortly before the 1891
census she married the sixty year old John Joseph
Tilley, a lithographer, and they lived with the
six children at Grove House, Histon Road,
1901, Lucy was a widow again, at the age of 49
(although she gave her age as 46 to the census
enumerator). She was living as a needlewoman with
two of her children on Searle Street off of
Victoria Road in Cambridge. She didn't marry
again. In 1911, her youngest son Frederick, a
bookbinder, was still living with her at the age
of 27. So far, I have not traced Lucy's death.
John Cornwell
Born Histon 1854. He was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 17th December. His
birth was registered under the name Cornwell, but
he appears as Cornell on later censuses. He was a
witness to his sister Lucy Hannah's marriage in
1876. In 1881 he married Mary Ann Everitt of
Cottenham. They lived in Water Lane in Histon,
where Alfred was a farm labourer. Their eldest
child Bertie was born in 1882, followed by a
succession of six girls, Isabella, Zillah, May,
Eva, Florence and Grace. By 1901, Alfred's
widowed mother-in-law Hannah Everitt was also
living in the household. They were still living
in the same house in 1911. Alfred died in 1914 at
the age of sixty.
Jane Cornell
Born Histon 1857. She was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 17th May. She was
a witness to her sister Lucy Hannah's marriage in
1876. She appears to be the Elizabeth Ann Cornell
who was buried in Histon churchyard on October
9th 1883, four days after her brother Frederick,
suggesting that the cause was an accident or a
contagious disease. She was twenty-six years old.
Her sister Mary's second daughter, born fifteen
months later, was named Elizabeth Jane Cornwell
Field after her.
Eliza Cornell
Born Histon 1859. She was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 23rd October. Mary
married the labourer Arthur Field on June 11th
1882 at St Andrew's Church, Histon. He was 30,
she was 23. Mary's surname is recorded as
Cornwell, and she signed as Cornwell. Her husband
was illiterate, and signed with a cross. The
witnesses were her brother William (who signed
with a cross) and her sister Hannah. They lived
in Water Lane in Histon near to Mary's brother
Alfred. They had four children in the 1880s:
Frances Anna, Elizabeth Jane Cornwell, Percy
Benjamin (who died at the age of seven months)
and George Edward Leonard. Elizabeth Jane
Cornwell was clearly named after Mary's sister
(above), who had died shortly before Mary's
daughter was born. It seems likely that Frances
was named after Mary's mother, but her name is
recorded as Florence on censuses after 1891.
1901, Mary's husband was recorded as a
horsekeeper, and her daughter Florence was
working in the Chivers jam factory in Histon, as
was Mary herself by 1911. So far, I have not
traced Mary's death; neither Mary nor her
husband's burials are recorded in the Histon and
Impington records.
Born Histon 1862. She was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 2nd February. In
1881, Hannah was working as a servant in the
household of the soap and candle manufacturer
Mark Ives Whibley at Hurst House, Milton Road,
Cambridge. The following year, she was a witness
to her sister Mary Eliza's marriage, and to her
brother William's marriage in 1885, where she
signed her name as Cornwell. Hannah married John
Royal Hounsham, who had also been a witness to
her brother William's marriage, in Cambridge in
the 4th quarter of 1885. Hounsham was from
Bentley in Hampshire. In 1891 Hannah and John
were living at 128 Newmarket Road Cambridge with
their children Frederick and Harrold, who had
both been born in Cambridge. Hannah's husband
John was a stationary engine driver, probably
working in the Barnwell quarries. In 1896 they
were in Whittlesey for the birth of a child, and
by 1901 they had moved to Old Fletton in
Peterborough, for John to work in the
brickfields. They now had three daughters, Daisy,
Dorothy and Gladys. In 1911 they were living at
19 Duke Street Old Fletton in Peterborough. There
were no more children, but rather distressingly
the couple noted that they had had eight
children, four of whom had died. Hannah herself
died in Peterborough in 1930, at the age of 68.
Huckle Cornwell
Born Histon 24th January 1864. My
Great-Grandfather. See below.
Maria Cornell
Born Histon 1866. She was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 27th June. She
died when she was just seven months old, and was
buried in Histon churchyard on 10th February
Charles Cornwell
Born Histon 1868. He was baptised at St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 18th February.
He was recorded at the age of 13 as an
agricultural labourer on the 1881 census. He died
in 1883, apparently four days before his sister
Elizabeth, suggesting that the cause was an
accident or a contagious disease. He was buried
in Histon churchyard on 5th October, when he was
fifteen years old.
great-grandfather William Huckle
was privately baptised, suggesting that there was some
doubt that he would live, and then received into St
Andrew's Church, Histon on the 6th March 1864. At the
time of the 1871 census, the family were living in Bell
Lane, Histon, and then ten years later in Coes Lane,
where my seventeen year old great-grandfather was
recorded as an agricultural labourer. He married Eliza Mortlock of Needingworth,
Huntingdonshire, a village about eight miles from Histon,
at St Andrew's Church, Histon on the 22nd March 1885.
They were both 21 years old. William signed with a cross,
suggesting that he was illiterate (although he was able
to fill in and sign the 1911 census form 26 years later).
The witnesses were John Royal Hounsham and William's
sister Hannah, who signed her own name as Cornwell. Later
in the same year, Hannah would marry John Royal Hounsham.
William and Eliza
moved into a house in High Street, Histon, where the
first six of their children were born, and then at the
turn of the century they moved a short distance to the
nearby village of Oakington, where three more children
were born, including their youngest, my grandfather Edmund Stanley Cecil
Cornwell, who was born on 31st July 1903. These are
their nine children:
Charles Cornwell
Born Histon, Cambridgeshire on the 19th
December 1885. His birth was registered under the
surname Cornell rather than Cornwell, but when he
was baptised at St Andrew's church in Histon on
17th January 1886, his surname was recorded as
Cornwell. In 1911, Charles was still living
at home and working as a farm labourer. However,
in the second quarter of 1911 he married Caroline
Flack of Trumpington in the Chesterton
Registration District. When the First World War
broke out, Charles enlisted as a private soldier
with the Cambridgeshire Regiment, but was
transferred to become a Lance-Corporal in the
Military Foot Police. His medal
record shows that he landed in France on
the 14th February 1915, when he was 29 years old.
He survived the War, and remained in the forces,
joining the Grenadier Guards. My mother remembers
him visiting her family in uniform when she was a
child in the 1940s. Clarence died in Cambridge in
the 4th quarter of 1956.Lily Elizabeth Cornwell
Born Histon, Cambridgeshire on the 13th August
1887. Her birth was registered under the surname
Cornell rather than Cornwell, but when she was
baptised at St Andrew's church in Histon on 11th
September, her surname was recorded as Cornwell.
She went to work as a nanny in France. She
married Thomas Shemilt at Leigh in Stoke-on-Trent
in Staffordshire in 1909. Shemilt was born at
Godstone in Staffordshire in 1884. In 1911, the
couple lived with Thomas's mother Emma Shemilt,
née Cope, who was a widow; her husband of three
years, George Shemilt of Stone, Staffordshire,
had died in 1885. In 1923, Lily's sister Ruth was
living with her husband John nearby at Corton. In
1944, Lily's father William was staying with them
at Rough Park Bungalow, Handsall Ridware near
Rugeley when William died. Lily died at
Burton-upon-Trent in Staffordshire in 1957, at
the age of 70.
Eric Cornwell
Born Histon, Cambridgeshire on the 29th June
1889. His birth was registered under the surname
Cornell rather than Cornwell, but when he was
baptised at St Andrew's church, Histon on 4th
August his surname was recorded as Cornwell. He
married Gertrude Simpkins in the Chesterton
registration district in the second quarter of
1915. Walter died in Cambridge in 1967 at the age
of 77.
Maude Cornwell
Born Histon, Cambridgeshire on the 15th
September 1892. She was the first of the children
whose birth was registered under the surname
Cornwell. She was baptised at St Andrew's church,
Histon on 23rd October. She married Ernest
Frederick Golding at St Andrew's church,
Oakington on 3rd February 1912. Golding was a
farm labourer who also came from Oakington.
Violet died in September 1961 in Manchester.
Ayliffe Grace Cornwell
Born Histon, Cambridgeshire on 15th
February 1894. She was baptised at St Andrew's
church, Histon on 25 March. She worked in service
at Roxford Grange at Hertingfordbury in
Hertfordshire. She married Frederick George
Cannon on the 30th August 1919 at
Hertingfordbury, Hertfordshire. They lived in
Hertfordshire. Catherine died in Hertfordshire in
the last quarter of 1962.
Eliza Cornwell
Born Histon, Cambridgeshire on the 29th
April 1895. She was the last of the children to
have her birth registered under the surname
Cornell. When she was baptised at St Andrew's
church, Histon on 26th May, her surname was
recorded as Cornwell. She married Charles Hewitt
at Elham in Kent in July 1924. They lived in
Worthing in Sussex, where I visited and stayed
with them in the early 1960s, although I do not
remember this. She died in 1972. Her daughter
Joan remained great friends with her cousin, my
mother, until she died in 2010.
Mortlock Cornwell
Born Oakington, Cambridgeshire on 30th April 1899
and baptised along with her brother William at St
Andrew's church Oakington on 25th August 1901.
She married John Wheeldon at St Andrew's church
Oakington on 5 Jan 1921. John was a platelayer
from Burton-on-Trent in Staffordshire (Ruth's
sister Lily lived in Staffordshire, which may be
significant). Two years later in 1923, they were
living at Colton Hall Barn Cottages, Corton near
Rugeley in Staffordshire when Ruth's younger
brother Edmund was married from that address. In
1944, Ruth's sister Lily and her husband were
living four miles away at Hamstall Ridware, and
it is possible that they were near neighbours at
this time, too. Ruth died in March 1967 at
Hastings in East Sussex.
Arthur James Cornwell
Born Oakington, Cambridgeshire on 28th June 1901.
and baptised along with his sister Ruth at St
Andrew's church Oakington on 25th August 1901. He
married Gladys Shepherd in the last quarter of
1927 in Bethnal Green, London. In later life he
lived in south London, where he kept a garage. I
can just remember visiting and staying with him
in the 1960s. He died in Redbridge in the last
quarter of 1974.
Edmund Stanley
Cecil Cornwell
Born Oakington, Cambridgeshire on 31st July 1903,
and baptised at St Andrew's church, Oakington on
27th September. My grandfather - see below.
When Edmund Stanley 'Stan' Cornwell
was born, Stan's father William gave his occupation on
the birth certificate as a bricklayer's labourer, but by
1911 he is shown as a roadman for Chesterton District
Council, and this would also appear on his death
certificate 33 years later. William had adapted his
parents' surname of Cornell into Cornwell. Nevertheless,
some of Stan's siblings had their births registered under
the surname Cornell rather than Cornwell.
Edmund was always known as Stan. He
married my grandmother Winifred Ellen Reynolds in 1923. She came from the neighbouring
village of Dry Drayton, but they married in Lichfield,
Staffordshire when they were both just 19 years old. They
gave false ages to acquire the certificate, as one of
them had to be of age, that is to say 21 or over. They
were in Staffordshire because my grandmother was
pregnant, and they had run away to get married. Stan's
older sister Ruth lived at Colton on the outskirts of
Rugeley, and she arranged the marriage for them. Their
first child was born less than three months later. He had
a learning disability, and lived with his mother for the
rest of her life.
Stan and Win returned to Cambridge after the birth of
their first child, and lived firstly at Oakington with
Stan's parents and then in Castle Row near to Win's
parents. In the late 1920s they moved away, first to
Barway near Ely and then to Grunty Fen on the other side
of the river, before settling in Little Thetford.
His parents William
and Eliza were still living in Oakington, in a house in
Wheeler Street. Eliza trained and worked as a midwife,
cycling around the south Cambridgeshire villages. She
died of a cerebral hemorrhage on 16th February
1929 at the age of 63. William
outlived his wife, and died at the age of 80 on December
3rd 1944, while staying with his daughter Lily at
Hamstall Ridware near Rugeley in Staffordshire. My mother
tells a story of how, after he died, another daughter
Frances went to his cottage wanting to retrieve a
memento. Unable to get in, she smashed a window and took
a tea strainer off of the draining board. My mother knew him as
Grandpa William, and she was photographed
with him in
July 1938, when she was two and he was seventy-four.
These are the nine children of
Edmund Stanley Cornwell and Winifred Ellen Reynolds:
Thomas Walter Cornwell
Born Colton, Staffordshire on 29th
October 1923. Cecil had a learning disability,
and lived with his mother for the rest of her
life. After her death, he lived in a care home at
Toft, Cambridgeshire. He died in his sleep there
in February 1990.Stanley Arthur James
Born Oakington, Cambridgeshire in 1925, and
baptised at St Andrew's church, Oakington on 27th
September. Known to the family as Jim. This
suggests that the family were living with Stan's
parents at the time. He signed up for the Navy in
the Second World War. He was badly injured on
16th September 1942 aboard HMS Warspite. He was
just 17 years old. The battleship was taking part
in the Salerno Landings off the toe of Italy when
it was hit by a German glider bomber. This photograph shows the ratings being
addressed shortly before the battle. Jim is in
this photograph somewhere. He never recovered
from his injuries, and died in 1946 at the age of
twenty. He was buried in Little Thetford
Cemetery, and is mentioned on the Little Thetford
war memorial.
Travers Cornwell
Born 2 Castle Row, Cambridge in 1928,
and baptised in St Giles's church, Cambridge on
4th March. He was named after Jack Travers
Cornwell, a 16 year old posthumous winner of the
Victoria Cross, who at the time was one of the
great heroes of the First World War. He married
Edna Martin in Ely in 1954, and they lived at
Mepal, Cambridgeshire.
Trevor Cornwell
Born River Bank, Barway, Cambridgeshire,
0n 28th January 1930, and baptised at St
Nicholas's church, Barway on 6th April. Known to
the family as Reggie. Married Beryl Dennis at Ely
in 1954. Two years later, their father being
dead, Reggie gave away my mother when she
married. Reggie and Beryl lived at Little
Thetford and then at Wilburton, Cambridgeshire.
They had three children, two boys and a girl.
Reggie died on 16th August 2001.
Malcolm Cornwell
Born River Bank, Barway, Cambridgeshire
1931, and baptised at St Nicholas's church,
Barway on 7th June. Known to the family as
Malcolm. Married Betty Rudderham at Ely in 1950.
They lived at Wilburton, and had five children,
four girls and a boy. Betty died in 2015, Malcolm
in August 2016.
Katherine Cornwell
Born River Bank, Barway,Cambridgeshire on 1st
December 1932, and baptised at St Nicholas's
church, Barway on 7th June 1933. Betty contracted
polio as a child, and was confined to a
wheelchair for the rest of her life. She spent
time at Manfield Hospital in Northampton, and
then after 1956 living in the home for the
physically disabled at Dorincourt, Leatherhead,
Surrey, later the Queen Elizabeth Foundation. She
died in Leatherhead in 1987.
Frances Cornwell
Born Red Fen Lane, Grunty Fen, Little Thetford,
Cambridgeshire in 1934. She married Keith Anthony
Palmer at St George's church, Little Thetford on
9th April 1955. They lived at Little Downham and
had two children, a boy and a girl.
Patricia Cornwell
Born Red Fen Lane, Grunty Fen, Little Thetford,
Cambridgeshire on 27th February 1936. She married
Graham Knott at St George's church, Little
Thetford on 4th August 1956. They lived at Little
Thetford and then in Cambridge, and had three
children, all boys. Marion died in Cambridge on
30th June 2016.
Paul Cornwell
Born Front Street, Little Thetford,
Cambridgeshire in 1937. Known to the family as
Sonny. He married Shirley Carter at St Mary's
church, Ely in 1957. They lived in Ely and had
two children, both boys.
Stan was a farrier, working with
horses on farms in the Isle of Ely. During the Second
World War he was in the Cambridgeshire Regiment. He was
missing for six months before his family discovered he
was in a hospital. He is the only one of my grandparents
that I did not know - he died of a heart attack at the
age of 50, in 1953, nine years after his father died and
eight years before I was born. He is buried in Little
Thetford cemetery.
all addresses are in
Cambridgeshire unless otherwise stated. |
Birthplace |
census |
census |
census |
census |
to |
registered) |
age |
address |
age |
address |
age |
address |
age |
address |
of marriage |
Histon, Cambs (1819)
Coes Lane,
William was
dead by the time of the 1891 census
married Frances Huckle on the 4th July
1842 at Histon, Cambridgeshire
Bourn, Cambs (1824)
Coes Lane,
High Street
(1), Histon
near the
School, Histon
Frances was
dead by the time of the 1911 census
married William Cornell on the 4th July
1842 at Histon, Cambridgeshire
Susan Elizabeth
Histon, Cambs (1845)
Elizabeth was dead by the time of the
1881 census
Sarah Ann
Histon, Cambs (1847)
Highbury NP, London?
I have not
found Sarah on the 1891 census
I have not
found Sarah on the 1901 census
I have not
found Sarah on the 1911 census
Histon, Cambs (1850)
Street, Girton
Westbury Road,
Westgate-on-Sea, Kent
I have not
found James on the 1901 census
I have not
found James on the 1911 census
married Elizabeth Willson in 1875 at
Girton, Cambridgeshire
Lucy Hannah
Histon, Cambs (1852)
14 Orchard
Street, Cambridge
Road, Cambridge
Street, Cambridge
Searle Street,
married James Morgan on the 19th March
1876 at Histon, Cambridgeshire. After his
death, she married John Tilley in 1891 at
Chesterton, Cambridge.
Histon, Cambs (1854)
Coes Lane,
Water Lane
(1), Histon
Water Lane
(1), Histon
Lane (1), Histon
married Mary Ann Everitt in 1881 at
Cottenham, Cambridgeshire
Histon, Cambs (1857)
Coes Lane,
was dead by the time of the 1891 census
Mary Eliza
Histon, Cambs (1859)
Coes Lane,
Water Lane
(2), Histon
Lane (2), Histon
Lane (2), Histon
married Arthur Field on the 11th June
1882 at Histon, Cambridgeshire
Histon, Cambs (1862)
House, Milton Road, Cambridge
128 Newmarket Road,
High Street, Old
Fletton, Peterborough
Duke Street, Old Fletton, Peterborough
married John Royal Hounsham in Cambridge
in the last quarter of 1885.
Histon, Cambs (1864)
Coes Lane,
High Street
(2), Histon
Dry Drayton
Road, Oakington
Dry Drayton
Road, Oakington
married Eliza Mortlock on the 22nd March
1885 at Histon, Cambridgeshire
Fanny Maria
Histon, Cambs (1866)
Fanny Maria
was dead by the time of the 1881 census
Frederick Charles
Histon, Cambs (1868)
Coes Lane,
Charles was dead by the time of the 1891